Ukes are HOT! The ukulele is enjoying a marvelous resurgence. They're easy to play and the strummy sound works very well behind any voice. Even the little soprano will satisfy the biggest adult (see Iz). Also because the chord shapes are the same as the first four strings of a guitar, it's a good way to begin learning the six-string guitar.
We have all sizes: Soprano - Concert - Tenor - Baritone
Prices range from a nice affordable instrument for your grandchild, to instruments for the beginning adult and advancing player, up to higher end new and used instruments. Cases are also available - gig bags, and high quality hard-shell cases for all sizes at affordable prices.
Made in Honolulu since 1916--there is not finer ukulele made. We are proud to be a dealer of these exquisite instruments.

Great variety from beginner to advanced--always innovative, always top quality! Here's an excellent video of The Ohana Story: