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Please feel free to write your own comments - we'd love to add it to our list!

Paul, Thank you so much for taking the time to fix my Gretsch banjo.  The sound and feel are amazing.  It is even more special when someone takes time and skill to improve an instrument.  This banjo oozes good karma and great sound.  I look forward to years of playing.  

Sincerely, Jennifer A.

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Paul, Thanks so much.  The Pro-Picks are great!  The tuner is great, and your service is great.  

Art P.


Great Shop & Fantastic Service


I love wandering around the shop.  You never really know what you'll find.  I always loved the harps, and this year I ordered a new one.  Not one moment of regret!  You took the time to help me select the right instrument for me.  Now I'm getting ready to perform Christmas music.  Thank you for all the fun!!!    Claudia W.



"You guys are like Barbie; you have everything!"

"I'd like my son to meet you.  I wanted him to see where all of his inheritance was going!"

"Honey, hold on.  This place is sucking me in."

"I've just come in for my 'folk moment', I need one about once a month."


"Can I help you?"

 "No, I'm just breathing it in."


"You're better than a candy store, and better for my teeth!"


"Just got off the plane - haven't even gone to see my mother yet - you're my 1st stop!"


"I met my wife at The Folk Shop.  Helped her find her first guitar  and we've been happily stringing along 7 years now."


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